Welcome to the information system DAWIS-M.D. 2.0
The open source project DAWIS-M.D. 2.0 is a platform-independent data warehouse system. The data warehouse contains life sciences data from 13 different biomedical databases. These databases are KEGG, EMBL-Bank, Transfac, Transpath, SCOP, JASPAR, EPD, UniProt, HPRD, GO, BRENDA, ENZYME, and OMIM. The different data of these databases were divided into 13 biomedical domains, which are available via the DAWIS-M.D. 2.0 web interface. This information system offers the scientist a large number of life sciences data and a homogeneous and integrated view on the data from the data warehouse. Also the relationships between the various biomedical domains are identified and represented in the system.