MoVisPP is a web-based tool to model and visualise biochemical pathways using Petri Nets.
This tool can generate Petri Nets from all pathways of the KEGG database which are available in the XML-data format.
A KEGG pathway consists substantially of proteins, enzymes, compounds, drugs or glycans and there are reactions or relations
between theses components.
While the components become places, the reactions and relations become the transitions of the generated Petri Net.
Futhermore the user can choose if protein interactions from the MINT database or diseases from the OMIM database
should be integrated in the Petri Net representation of the pathway.
At the moment these two options are only possible if the user has chosen "Homo sapiens (human)"
as organism.
The generated Petri Net is displayed as image and can also be exported in the PNML, SBML and CSML format.
The use of the the tool is very easy:
At first the user has to choose a pathway that he/she wants to display as Petri Net.
After the pathway selection the user can choose the organism for which the pathway should be visualised
and has the opportunity to determine which reactions and relations should be displayed.
In the last step before displaying the Petri Net the user can change the size of the image, the transitions and the places.
Then according to the chosen values the image of the pathway as Petri Net is generated and displayed.
If the user clicks with the mouse on the places and transitions in the image he/she gets further information of
the choosen vertex.
This project is no longer supported. Please check VANESA or DAWIS-M.D.