OMPetri is a Petri net modeling and simulation environment which is developed in the Bioinformatics group at Bielefeld University.
NEW - OMPetriWeb is a new version of OMPetri built from the ground up as a web-based Petri net editor! Go to OMPetriWeb
- Java 8 or higher (with JavaFX support i.e. by Oracle)
- OpenModelica 1.12.0 stable release
- OMPetri
For editing a Petri net, OMPetri is sufficient. If you want to run a simulation, the installation of OpenModelica is required. We support 1.12.0 stable release of OpenModelica. Nightly Builds might be more powerful, but might be also incompatible with OMPetri. The installation path must not contain any whitespaces! During installation process, make sure that you select PNlib as library to install. By default, all third party libraries will be installed. The installation process will also set some environment variables which are needed for OMPetri to detect the OpenModelica installation.After the installation of OpenModelica finished, start OMPetri, to ensure that OMPetri is started with the updated environment variables of your system.
Downloads and Tutorial
- OMPetri executable JAR
- Tutorial which gives an introduction to OMPetri
- Petri net example which is based on the biological model presented in Hynne
- Simulation results which can be imported and mapped to the Petri net example
- Github repository of OMPetri
- Scientific paper of the biological example by Hynne et. al. 2001
- Philo Reipke: preipke [at] techfak [dot] uni-bielefeld [dot] de
- Christoph Brinkrolf
Scientific publications
List of scientific publications that are related to OMPetri, PNlib and OpenModelica.2018
C. Brinkrolf, P. Reipke
OMPetri - A Software Application for Modeling and Simulation using Extended Hybrid Petri nets by Employing OpenModelica
V. Khomenko and O. H. Roux (Eds.): PETRI NETS 2018, LNCS 10877, pp. 1-10, 2018. (accepted)
L. Ochel
Petri-Netz-basierte Simulation biologischer Prozesse mit OpenModelica
Dissertation Bielefeld University 2017
S. Proß
Hybrid modeling and optimization of biological processes
Dissertation Bielefeld University 2013
S. Proß, B. Bachmann
PNlib - An Advanced Petri Net Library for Hybrid Process Modeling
Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference; September 3-5; 2012; Munich; Germany
DOI: 10.3384/ecp1207647 -
S. Proß, S. J. Janowski, B. Bachmann, C. Kaltschmidt, B. Kaltschmidt
PNlib - A Modelica Library for Simulation of Biological Systems Based on Extended Hybrid Petri Nets
Proceedings Proc. BioPPN 2012, a satellite event of PETRI NET 2012